Six days to go - pray for peace in Venezuela - FREE TRACK - "I Lay Down"
When I was growing up, the term "surrender" had one meaning - to give up and fail, as in the children's games of battle that took place in the neighborhood where we lived. It was not a positive connotation. Now, so many years later, I have come to understand the word differently. Today's track of the day is "I Lay Down" - it is for me the most powerful and personal statement on the "All My Relations" album. Surrender is not "giving up" for me anymore, it is "giving over." Letting a higher power take control of the vehicle for a moment, having faith, believing that something greater than our tiny selves might have wisdom, kindness and purpose for our lives.
The track is so beautiful, it features the soaring majesty of Miguel Noya's musical intention and has been graced with amazing bass work by the jazz virtuoso Kai Eckhardt on fretless bass. Enjoy it with our compliments today and pray for a peaceful direction for Venezuela's long struggles.